The purpose of this course blog is to serve as a practice exercise in EDM 510 Microcomputing Systems in Education.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Remembering Math Class

Hey Group C,
It's been a while since I've been in high school, but I wanted to talk about what we remembered from our Math classes. What in your Math classes that you had the hardest time understanding? Or did a teacher have an awesome way to teach something that would have been hard?

For me, I did not like probability in high school. I think it has more to do with not having an understanding of how they worked. I have a friend who in general hates math but enjoys statistics and probability because of a teacher who made it easy to understand.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shila,

    I actually enjoyed math in school. I like how it is pretty straight forward and there are not a lot of uncertainties in math. The math class I was not fond of was pre-calculus. I took this course in high school and college. Both instances I did not have a very good teacher. I think what made them not so great was that they did not put any effort into their lessons and it seemed like they hated their job. My favorite math class was algebra. My teacher for this course was so passionate about the subject and she had various activities for us to practice our math skills. Overall, I think teachers that are really enthusiastic about their subject, can project that feeling to their students and that's one vital aspect of becoming a great teacher.
